Image: Schüco
Throughout Europe, there are numerous funding opportunities for home and flat owners who want to have their home or property renovated to make it more energy efficient. The type and amount of financial support vary depending on the country and funding agency.
Please chose your country on the map. Below the map you find an overview in alphabetical order.
Here you will find the funding opportunities by country in alphabetical order. The list will be continuously expanded.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
In Flanders, since September 1, owners of outdated housing can appeal to the VerbouwLening. This allows them to borrow up to 60,000 euros cheaply (currently, waiting times for applications are at least 3 months) for renovations that focus on housing quality or on improving energy performance. It is aimed primarily at people with low and middle incomes. Window and door renovations are also eligible for this loan, for both glass and exterior joinery. You can take out a loan for the full bill amount. People who have recently bought a property with a poor energy score can then claim an interest-free renovation loan (until the end of 2022) or an interest subsidy (from 2023). The property must then be renovated in an energy-efficient manner within five years, which means that the energy performance of the residence must be significantly better after renovation. For new construction projects, the Flemish government provides certain premiums, which primarily impact the property tax. For example, those who build a very energy-efficient new home are eligible for a reduction of 50% to even 100% of the property tax. For more info,
visit the website > www.vlaanderen.be.
Also in Wallonia, owners can take out an interest-free loan of up to EUR 60,000 to carry out renovation work or make energy-saving modifications to outdated homes. The installation of energy-efficient windows is also eligible. As in Flanders, however, there is an income limit to be entitled to this loan. Houses with extremely low energy consumption and passive houses are also entitled to a tax deduction, which is calculated via taxes. Finally, the Walloon region also offers various premiums, including a premium for replacing exterior windows. This increases with the total kilowatt hours saved. An important condition is that an expert first draws up an audit of the house, in which he or she indicates which renovation works are most profitable. But you can also apply for a premium for this audit. For more info, visit the website > www://energie.wallonie.be.
The Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund (EPEEF) currently has 12 funding programs, it was established to provide funding for projects and programmes for environmental protection and nature conservation, energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources.
> www.fzoeu.hr/hr/o-fondu/10
The Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development (HBOR) offers financing programmes and special loan conditions, including support for sustainable development. It currently has cheaper loans for rural development, start-ups, support for entrepreneurs affected by Russian aggression against Ukraine and the like. Here, too, the financing programs change after a certain period of time. > www.hbor.hr
L’Agence danoise de l’énergie (ENS) propose des subventions pour des rénovations énergétique, y compris le remplacement des fenêtres de façade, grâce au programme de financement «Building Pool» (Bygningspuljen).
> ens.dk/service/tilskuds-stoetteordninger/bygningspuljen
L’option de financement la plus connue est « MaPrimeRenov « du du ministère de l’Économie, des Finances et de l’Industrie. Elle s’applique à un ensemble de travaux de rénovations, y compris le remplacement des fenêtres.
> www.ecologie.gouv.fr/evolutions-maprimerenov
The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) offers the Federal Promotion for Efficient Buildings (BEG). It applies to all residential buildings. The BEG grants a subsidy or low-interest loan plus repayment subsidy. Individual heat insulation measures, including the replacement of windows, are subsidized with 20%, up to a maximum of €60,000 per residential unit.
> www.bafa.de
The Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) offers a versatile programme for „energy-effiecient“ renovation (261). The programme 261 offers a low-interest loan for up to 100% of the refurbishment costs. It also offers a loan up to €150,000 per each housing unit in an energy-efficient building or a subsidised repayment rate between 5% and 45%. Programme 159 offers a grant of up to €50,000 per housing unit for age-based refurbishment measures.
Numerous banks at the federal states level also offer loans for energy modernization, here using the example of the Investitions- und Strukturbank Rheinland-Pfalz (SB)
> isb.rlp.de
At foerderdata.de a database is available listing all available programmes which are displayed in order of zip code and type of modernization.
> foerderdata.de/foerdermittel-suche
The Hellenistic Ministry of Environment and Energy in Greece offers the "New Savings" programme (ΝΕΟ ΕΞΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΩ) providing incentives for energy saving measures in residential buildings, i.e. single and multi-family houses and flats. It has been running since October 2021 and will be continued in stages at least until 2030.
> https://ypen.gov.gr/prodimosiefsi-odigou-efarmogis-programmatos-neo-exoikonomo
Different renovation premiums exist. All of them are administered by the Finance Authority (Agenzia delle Entrate) and the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA). The private builder receives a 50% eco bonus for renovations with new PVC windows providing a certain insulation value, in order to improve the thermal efficiency and environmental sustainability of buildings.
> www.agenziaentrate.gov.it/portale
The National Warmth Fund of the Netherlands (Nationaal Warmtefonds) offers private homeowners, owners' associations and schools financing options for the sustainable design of houses and buildings at attractive conditions in the form of a loan. Loans of up to a maximum of €65,000 are granted.
Investeringssubsidie duurzame energie en energiebesparing (ISDE): grant for home owners and business when improving their building with one of the selected measures. This includes glazing (double - or triple). Grants a fixed amount per square meter glazing. > www.rvo.nl/subsidies-financiering/isde
Millieuinvesteringsaftrek (MIA / VAMIL): For entrepeneurs who want to invest in environmental friendly and circular solutions. This also includes building materials. Grants a percentage of the investment cost. > www.rvo.nl/subsidies-financiering/mia-vamil/ondernemers
The government Program “Czyste Powietrze” (“Clean Air”) aims to improve energy efficiency and to reduce the emission of dust and other pollutants into the atmosphere from existing family homes. It includes support for the replacement of windows and doors. > czystepowietrze.gov.pl/czyste-powietrze
The BOŚ Environmental Protection Bank (Bank Ochrony Środowiska) grants credits for ecological investments, which include the replacement of windows and doors. The name of the credit is Pełnym oddechem ("With full breath").
A European fund exists for the specific thermal refurbishment of residential complexes. > bankwatch.org
The active programs and their closing dates in the different autonomous communities of Spain:
“Next Generation EU Funds” / Closing date applications:
Andalucía: 5/04/24
Aragón: 1/09/23
Asturias: 30/12/23
Baleares: 1/09/23
Canarias: 14/09/23
Cantabria: 31/12/23
Castilla-La Mancha: 30/12/23
Castilla y León: 30/12/23
Cataluña: 30/11/23
Comunidad de Madrid: 30/09/23
Comunidad Valenciana: 28/12/23
Extremadura: 23/08/23
Galicia: 2/10/23
La Rioja: 1/11/23
Navarra: 31/10/23
País Vasco: 30/12/23
Región de Murcia: 31/07/24